Welcome to Tavon Learning Center
Building better lives for adults with disabilities.

Expecting a Sensational Spring!
This season, both the Downtown and Black Nugget Sites are focusing on engaging themes that promote learning, health, and connection. Highlights include exploring animal safety with a focus on bears, celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and fostering kindness and friendship. We’ll also emphasize healthy eating habits through lessons on the food pyramid, MyPlate, and creative ways to enjoy vegetables like potatoes, leeks, and Brussels sprouts. Activities such as farm-to-table dining, walking squads, and community outings will help us stay active and connected while embracing these important topics.
Our Life Skills (formerly Specialized Habilitation) program is expanding and we are taking on new clients! Please reach out to Hannah Wade at hannahw@tavoncenter.org if you are interested in learning more!
Our annual Auction and Fundraising Dinner is scheduled for Saturday, April 12th at the Hyatt Regency in Bellevue. To stay up to date on event information and to purchase tickets when they become available, subscribe to our newsletter!