Welcome to Tavon Learning Center

Building better lives for adults with disabilities.

Beating the Summer Heat

Our Downtown Issaquah site is out and enjoying being outdoors and in nature! We have lots of great summer outings planned, and themes include fine arts and music, brain games, theater, and outdoor water activities.

Start your engines, our Black Nugget Site’s July theme is planes, trains, and automobiles. In August, itโ€™s all about vacations. We will explore different destinations such as Spain, Italy, and China. We are all ready for a summer full of laughter and adventures!

Saturday Program’s second quarter got off to an incredible start with a parade ride at Fall City Days! This summer, with help from Haley the Garden Manager, we are creating Tavon’s first “Pizza Garden” with some classic veggies and herbs you might find on your favorite slice. We will also visit a few food-related summer events including Chomp! at Marymoor Park and Oxbow Farm & Conservation Center’s Discover Day.